Loofah Sponge Rose
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Loofah Sponge Rose









Loofah Sponge Rose


Natural Loofah Sponges help to clean and exfoliate your skin, as well as stimulate blood circulation. Once introduced to water they soften and have a scrubby texture.

Loofah sponges are also known as the ‘Sponge Gourd’ and the ‘Egyptian Cucumber’ and originate from India, where they still grow naturally. Once the fruit has matured the fibrous vascular tissue is harvested and dried to become a Loofah Sponge.

Rinse and squeeze out your Loofah Sponge after each use and allow to dry, either by hanging or storing on a free draining soap dish. We also recommend soaking it for 5 minutes in baking soda and warm water once a week.


To use your loofah sponge, first wet with warm water to soften it. You can then apply a small amount of soap or body scrub if desired. Using a gentle but firm circular motion, scrub your body starting below your neck and working your way down to your ankles.


Rinse and squeeze out your Loofah Sponge after each use and allow to dry, either by hanging or storing on a free draining soap dish. We also recommend soaking it for 5 minutes in baking soda and warm water once a week.


Our packaging philosophy is to be eco-friendly and plastic free. We are also passionate about beautiful, take your breath away bespoke packaging! Anoint Loofah Sponges are wrapped in a strip of vintage themed paper and hand finished with our signature wax seal.

Ingredients: Natural Loofah Sponge

Price: $14.00
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